10 Last minute gift ideas for Mother’s Day that don’t cost money | Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy Mother’s Day mamas!

It’s my very first mother’s day (insert party emoji here) and I am torn between feeling like this year has gone by way too fast and beyond excited that I get to spend it with my little one.

With so many exciting things happening all at once, I’ve realized that the holiday has snuck up on me (anyone else?) and even though I put together a Mother’s Day Gift Guide that I think would make perfect gifts for every mom at any time, I kind of forgot my own plans haha (oops).

So, if like me you find yourself struggling to find a way to splurge on mom, here are 10 Last Minute Gift Ideas for Mother’s Day that don’t cost any money and are just as special!

  1. Create a photo slideshow!

    This never fails. A slideshow with some of your favorite moments will be sure to make mom feel special. There might even be some waterworks (I would definitely be bawling) so make sure to have tissues on hand!

  2. Take over mom’s duties for the day (or month…)

    Let mom rest and do what she does! This does not mean putting off what she would normally do for the next day and have double the work. Help lessen the burden by actually taking these things off her plate!

  3. Hand & foot massage!

    I love receiving massages and one that comes with no strings attached and from someone i love would make my day! Mom is usually on her feet all day so this would be a very welcome surprise. It’s no secret that their hands can wield magic and make a feast out of thin air, so a hand massage is a necessary reprieve.

  4. Girls Night!

    Make it a girls night! Give mom a facial using her normal products, making sure to spend time on areas of tension like her temples. Do her nails and give her a manicure with fun colors. Don’t forget to blast her favorite tunes while you do it!

  5. Love Letters

    Hide small notes around the house that she uses the most and say an appreciative word about her. You can hide one in the dishwasher or in a favorite pan she loves. The opportunities are endless!

  6. Bake a treat

    Wow mom by baking her favorite yummy treat. My mom (and I) LOVE brazilian Pao De Queijo or Cheese Bread. This is her favorite recipe to follow if you’re interested in recreating it!

  7. Photoshoot

    Have mom get dressed up and venture outside for an impromptu photoshoot! Be her best hype man and make her feel BEAUTIFUL!

  8. At Home Theater

    Recreate the experience of an at home theater. Dim the lights, provide ample blankets, have popcorn ready (or a dinner and a show if you want to go above and beyond), and have three of her favorite movies picked out. Alternatively, you can let her choose and have full control of the remote.

  9. No Fighting

    The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree and that can sometimes cause some friction. But for today, let’s put all of that aside and make a rule of absolutely no fighting! Keep today full of love and positive vibes only.

  10. Drawing for the Fridge

    Let’s throw it back to our crayon days and draw her a card worthy of being displayed on the fridge. Make it happy, sappy, or flashy and allow mama to feel the love!


No matter what you do, the greatest gift you have given her is YOU! Your presence and time together is the best present (pun intended) and one that she will be honored to receive. 

Happy Mother’s Day to all of you beautiful women on your special day!

Xo, Camila + Kai


My Top Five Mother’s Day Gifts Ideas for Every Mom